Sunday, April 29, 2007

Why Do Dogs Nose Get White Dry Spots

For both commissions (Morning and Evening):
On Tuesday 24, we will be analyzing and commenting on the sports programs that are currently on the radio in Argentina. And also try to know the style of the journalists and reporters.
1) Arm 4 groups commission
Select a radio (each group should choose a different, with different styles) from the following: Continental ,
Mitre, Belgrano , Radio 10,
Del Plata, National ,

Network, Rivadavia
, string3 , Radio City and
America. They may also include FM.
shall record the transmission of a complete football game . That is, each record must contain the following, the story of the game and subsequent analysis of the commentators. 4)
The other two groups should
record sports programs (eg in competition, Hay Equipment, etc.) that are emitted during the week.

In both cases the idea is no record from start to finish the entire transmission, but choosing to go (you can also record and then edit full) lots of times each team member.
In both cases, the recording must be accompanied by a sheet that contains:
-Day program, schedule and duration of transmission
-Names and functions of all equipment transmission (relator, commentators, broadcasters, mobile or writers in the field of play, etc.).
-A brief analysis of: the type of information provided by the commentators, the style of the lecturer or driver, how interventions are mobile, how to give the passes, what kind of interviews are done, if the program has information on other sports, watch out: if journalists are clear, if they fail the articulation or vocalization, if used crutches, etc. Ie include all information that is important to analyze. Bring

Cassette or CD recordings. In class we will listen and we will analyze the contents.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nissan X Trail Roof Racks

The Gol of Messi's great compared to Maradona, and the story of 86 'by Victor Hugo Morales. "Similar?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sound Blaster Audigy Driver

information services on the activity on Tuesday 24. Class

I invite you to know the
Radio Art Experimental Laboratory

(Lear) where teachers, students and enthusiasts looking to make a new radio radio, more where creative and experimenting with new formats.

Among the goals it sets this space include "finding new forms of artistic expression radio and boosting of the radio art" and
as "encourage experimentation, creation, production and dissemination of new genres and formats
radio. "
priority will also" raise awareness among young artists with the knowledge and creative possibilities of radio art

Climb the volume and listen at this link

some of the audio laboratory

! Link:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Give A Message Regarding Baby Born

April 24: Activities

As will change the image of the class blog, I think this model is lighter and can be viewed better. I hope you like it!


Champions Belt Create Online


If you are interested in participating in a casting drivers looking TV, here are the data to send the CV.
Take heart!

Drivers for TV

Age: 18 to 23 Profile: students of journalism, sociology , cs. Politics, philosophy, communication, psychology, economics, law and related fields, to participate in the leadership team of a TV program for parents and children on problems of adolescence.
have good speech to express themselves with ease before the cameras, have an engaging personality and a constructive approach to address issues such as addictions, values, night, sex and affection, parent-child relationship, eating disorders, etc. Steps: Send CV with photo and one sheet with their personal views on some of the issues raised in relation to adolescence:

Date deadline: Sunday 15/04 / 07

Monday, April 16, 2007

Shiny Pokemon Permanently For Diamond

advanced the topics discussed in the next two units and equipment that should be ready for each class: Unit 4

(10 April)

-Introduction to The Speech. Expressiveness
(Énfasis. Dynamics. Silence. Tones. Speed. Ritmo). Gender differentiation and formats (Informativos. Advertising. Reading colloquial. Narrative. Narrative sports. Interview. Comments. Opinión. Analysis. Improvisation)

mode and guidelines: (Class workshop) should bring a short story, news developing two radio and get a text two radio ads) Unit 5 (April 17) -Introduction Speaking. Characteristics of good oral communication. Capturing and maintaining attention the hearing. Resources to reduce the initial nervousness. Speech. The structure of the message. Fillers fight. Physical elements of oral communication (Voice, volume, articulation, eye). Gestural elements (hands, body posture).

mode and guidelines: Any concerns do not hesitate to leave a comment or send a mail!

Where To Watch Southpark Online For Iphone

Change Radio Arte TV CASTING

Source: Profiles, the language of radio. CD Betty Elizalde program on Radio El Mundo This is the testimony of one of the most renowned journalists of our country. Victor Hugo Morales represents an example of a media professional in many ways: human and professional quality, professionalism and ethics among others.
here in less than a minute, refers to the radio and television.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Solid Mensuration Area Of A Circle


those who prefer, you can copy here the text of the submission form and send it by mail to the address assigned:

-------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------

South American Institute for Communication Education
Subject: Speech and professional speaking career
: Sports Journalism
Year: 2007 Course: 2nd Year - Commission:
Teacher: Vanina Berghella

Student Name:
Mail: Phone: Occupation: Interest labor (What medium would you like desempeñarte specialty?):

Comments or suggestions on the subject:

Monday, April 2, 2007

How To Make A Distressed Silver Lamp

Upcoming classes (10 and 17 April)

I welcome to the Blog of matter Speech and Speaking Professional. This is our forum for communication outside the classroom. We will gradually turning worked here all the material in class, notes, reference material and interest, and why not, our experiences with the subject and our partners. I invite you to participate and be part of this project. Vanina