Monday, April 16, 2007

Shiny Pokemon Permanently For Diamond

Dear: advanced the topics discussed in the next two units and equipment that should be ready for each class: Unit 4

(10 April)

-Introduction to The Speech. Expressiveness
(Énfasis. Dynamics. Silence. Tones. Speed. Ritmo). Gender differentiation and formats (Informativos. Advertising. Reading colloquial. Narrative. Narrative sports. Interview. Comments. Opinión. Analysis. Improvisation)

mode and guidelines: (Class workshop) should bring a short story, news developing two radio and get a text two radio ads) Unit 5 (April 17) -Introduction Speaking. Characteristics of good oral communication. Capturing and maintaining attention the hearing. Resources to reduce the initial nervousness. Speech. The structure of the message. Fillers fight. Physical elements of oral communication (Voice, volume, articulation, eye). Gestural elements (hands, body posture).

mode and guidelines: Any concerns do not hesitate to leave a comment or send a mail!


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