Monday, June 4, 2007

Gouty Tophi Acupuncture


The article follows is written by a student of communication at the University of Comahue (Neuquén). Ezequiel , along with two colleagues from the faculty, post-since 2005-with much ingenuity, creativity and good journalistic approach blog Thoughts
disheveled. This blog group has among its issues of sport, national news, the world of journalism and student, among other things. A few weeks ago covered the marches to protest the death of teacher Carlos Fuentealva, notice the impact
then taken into various international

Journalism students: Why qué un blog?

Recuerdo que cuando empezamos con Pensamientos -así lo llamamos nosotros- apenas habíamos escuchado hablar de los . La primera vez fue gracias a unos compañeros que cursaban el 4° año de virtual
la carrera También recuerdo que cuando empezamos a construir el proyecto siempre hablábamos de las posibilidades y obligaciones come with him, trying to explain (to us) why we wanted to have a blog. Until one day I found a wonderful post of Pablo Mancini: That was one of our first postings and the first take and linked from another blog, in a desperate attempt to formalize the reason for the existence of our blog.
y mencionaron la palabra mágica en una exposición. Por aquellos tiempos ninguno de nosotros tres tenía conexión a internet y, en realidad, no teníamos mucha idea de lo que estábamos haciendo o, mejor dicho, de lo que queríamos hacer. For students of communication and journalism Why a blog?
Almost a year later, our esteemed colleague and
he touched the subject, and adding great items to our list of explanations.
- The blog is your own environment. Media practices may be the best way to contact journalistic reality, but as you have come such a routine of work, self-discipline.
- Curriculum is the best there is. Your blog becomes your best public support. It's the best way to show how much tickets as you reach your journalistic work worldwide.
- You are your own boss and you're marks your boundaries. If you want You can specialize in a particular subject, and to deepen your work more and have more consistency. - How many jobs in college, how many interviews that your hard-earned for a course ending in the trash for the offices of teacher and no one, apart from him, you've read? In your blog you can hang these works. - You'll post you what you want, even if it's what most know better, because this is going to share with others. - Readers will correct you and make you better. You'll learn to develop your opinions and have to answer for them to your readers. - All formats fit and are compatible. Thanks to your Blog're not going to just write, but you can also upload videos, audio recordings, photographs ... - With Internet we all have the same opportunities. If you rather be in a city supposed to have more possibilities, now from anywhere you can access nearly the same content and sources. - Thanks to your blog you are able to meet people who care about these things than you, and your personal boundary will not be the walls of your faculty, your classmates or the streets of your city.
- not going to write history, but you will participate. Birth is as if one had told the press that he preferred to continue copying books by hand, because only that way books were made.
- You're going to adapt to the way we work and not the future but the present.
And the last point, remember what we said Tischler
the ideal profile of the digital journalist
The report highlights the need to combine traditional journalism training-precision rigor, etc .- and technical competence sufficient to produce new forms of "thinking" the news online. A good way to acquire these skills and gain experience, as described in this study is that journalism students publish on the Internet while developing cycle training. Now you, student of communication and / or Journalism What the hell are you waiting for?
addition I attach other articles that discuss the same topic:
for communication and journalism students Why a blog? (Pablo Mancini)
Why should journalists have a blog
(Darío Gallo)


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