Friday, August 10, 2007

How To Solve Tally Exiting Tally

See you next year

Dear Students and prospective visitors:
This blog will remain closed until the start of the new course of the matter in 2008.

meantime, you can still communicate via email permanent or my blog:

Thursday, July 5, 2007

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Dear, tonight I'll be sending by mail the partial notes this semester.
(Please if anyone has the mails and Ignacio Gayo Botindari Mario would be important, if I can pass them by mail.)

From now through V.

Friday, June 29, 2007

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Recuperatorios (both charges)

As we comment in previous classes, the next Tuesday 03/07 we will be taking the Recuperatorios of those who did not attend, disapproved or did not provide any of the 5 assessed practical work during the semester. These are: 1.-News
written for Radio Radio
2.-3.-Analysis of current radio programs
4.-Analysis of current television programs Television

Because of this, the Recuperatorios was divided into two parts. Who should retrieve only the written part (first TP) shall:
: Take 5 news published in a graphical or digital and reconvert to be broadcast on radio, with radio language. According to the guidelines given in class and previously exercised. Keep in mind that they must be accompanied by original paper diary or digital newspaper printing.

Regarding the oral part ( any of the remaining four TP's)
: Prepare an oral commentary of no more than 4 minutes. The aim is to present it as if it were a radio column. The theme is free.
: addition, they must develop a theme to be determined at the time on any news item.

In the post below, detailing who recover from Comusión Night, here remember those who have recovered from the Commission Morning: Oral (Botindari, Bravo, Fernández Peralta and Salvatore Rubino) Written (Fernández and Rubino)

The hope on Tuesday!

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Committee Night: Tuesday Recuperatorios

Dear: Finally, we meet early next Tuesday 03/07. But will be at 19 pm. because I can not get there first.
In what will be an instance of Recuperatorios, remember those should come: Oral (Alacaraz, Farias and Gayo) and Written (Bonissone, Clinaz, Gayo, Mita and Lopez).

I ask, that the above confirmed here through the comments, which can assist at this time.

Regards, VB

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

When Does Ski Season In Whistler End

More over, Blogs and journalism students

Estimate: still talking about the potential of blogs in the journalistic field and especially at the stage of students. Here I give you a list of blogs of students of different races TEA. There is something for everyone.

BLOGS (in alphabetical order)
Notes Ignacio Selection Sbaraglia, a student at Harmony
Deportee Carolina Gil Posse, a graduate of TEA remains
Guido Diaz Velez, a student of TEA
A three-pronged Thomas Rudich, Martin Porcel de Peralta, Hernán Comastri, students TEA
journalistic Babylon Fernando Neira, a graduate of TEA
Well That Joseph Esses, graduated from TEA
Martin Egozcue Cars Magazine, graduated from quasi-public
Deportee Raspino Leandro, TEA student
With Science and Labor Subosky Carlos graduated from TEA, and Costanzo Diana Against
stripe Sebastian Guerrero and Ariel Caparelli, Deportee students
Tell me a story Maria Fernanda Bouza, a graduate of TEA
Chronicles of the planet Argentine Leonardo Ferri, a student of
Cynega TEA - Media and Arts Emiliano Arnáez, student TEA
Dame Pelota Lisotto Paul graduated from TEA
discovered this well Natalie Rodgers, TEA student
Sports and other nasty Giliberti Luciano Emanuel, a graduate of Deportee
Double and Lack John Abraham, a student of Deportee
Eblog Leandro Zanoni, graduated from TEA

More blogs ...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

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I got my name in lights with

People: as you will see there is news in the blog.

  • most important thing is that we are on the audio line of propgramas made (both shifts). Those who want to get the files to MP3, please send an email and send them.
  • In the sidebar (called the Sidebar) can find 3 new links. The first is the new Blog of Alexander Clinaz, your mate shift Night (Alejandro luck and congratulations on being first!). There are also Two other links to blogs that address other radio and voice Chairs: Rosario Speech and Comprehensive Practice Radio in Mar del Plata. They, like us, students and teachers try to join these new tools comubicación.
  • Last but not least, is a new service to provide updated Google News. I hope they serve!

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Radial Practice (Night Shift)

Audios Night Shift programs.

Team 1:
Diego Bortolin (Driving), Elliot Rivera (Co-driving), Matías López (News and Mobile), Silvana Farias (News Column Shows) and Ana Bonissone (Column Sports)

Get this widget
Get this widget Botindari (Column Shows)

Get this widget

Get this widget Tuesday, May 15 (two shifts). The aim of this work is that you begin to feel comfortable in front of the microphone. It releases a little and work experience radial. While we will be using a script and radio days, the idea is to have fun doing radio. I'll be evaluating more than the formal structure (time, music or art), the content and how you face the microphone. Do not forget to keep in mind speech and speech that we were working on since we started that submitted. Some basic guidelines to be included in the program: Duration: 20 minutes
some explanations for the pattern of the first practice we will be working the radial techniques

Structure: shall appoint from among you who will be the driver and co-driver. The program must also have announcers, commentators, columnists and someone in front of the phone. In the photocopier is available to scripts as an example. Information:
The program should have a newsletter that will be read by two people.
Music / Arts:
In this first program does not need to develop an artistic (Opening, separators, etc) but musical curtains for sections.
blog Thoughts
If in doubt, I welcome your comments.

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Practice Radial (Morning Shift) COMMISSION

Tuesday 8

Monday, June 4, 2007

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The article follows is written by a student of communication at the University of Comahue (Neuquén). Ezequiel
:. COMMISSION TOMORROW NIGHT.: As agreed at the previous class, I remind you that this we will be conducting the analysis of sports radio programs that are currently air. Recall that is a practical work will be evaluated. Although we've talked, I leave HERE TP patterns.
, along with two colleagues from the faculty, post-since 2005-with much ingenuity, creativity and good journalistic approach

disheveled. This blog group has among its issues of sport, national news, the world of journalism and student, among other things. A few weeks ago covered the marches to protest the death of teacher Carlos Fuentealva, notice the impact
then taken into various international

Journalism students: Why qué un blog?

Recuerdo que cuando empezamos con Pensamientos -así lo llamamos nosotros- apenas habíamos escuchado hablar de los . La primera vez fue gracias a unos compañeros que cursaban el 4° año de virtual
la carrera También recuerdo que cuando empezamos a construir el proyecto siempre hablábamos de las posibilidades y obligaciones come with him, trying to explain (to us) why we wanted to have a blog. Until one day I found a wonderful post of Pablo Mancini: That was one of our first postings and the first take and linked from another blog, in a desperate attempt to formalize the reason for the existence of our blog.
y mencionaron la palabra mágica en una exposición. Por aquellos tiempos ninguno de nosotros tres tenía conexión a internet y, en realidad, no teníamos mucha idea de lo que estábamos haciendo o, mejor dicho, de lo que queríamos hacer. For students of communication and journalism Why a blog?
Almost a year later, our esteemed colleague and
he touched the subject, and adding great items to our list of explanations.
- The blog is your own environment. Media practices may be the best way to contact journalistic reality, but as you have come such a routine of work, self-discipline.
- Curriculum is the best there is. Your blog becomes your best public support. It's the best way to show how much tickets as you reach your journalistic work worldwide.
- You are your own boss and you're marks your boundaries. If you want You can specialize in a particular subject, and to deepen your work more and have more consistency. - How many jobs in college, how many interviews that your hard-earned for a course ending in the trash for the offices of teacher and no one, apart from him, you've read? In your blog you can hang these works. - You'll post you what you want, even if it's what most know better, because this is going to share with others. - Readers will correct you and make you better. You'll learn to develop your opinions and have to answer for them to your readers. - All formats fit and are compatible. Thanks to your Blog're not going to just write, but you can also upload videos, audio recordings, photographs ... - With Internet we all have the same opportunities. If you rather be in a city supposed to have more possibilities, now from anywhere you can access nearly the same content and sources. - Thanks to your blog you are able to meet people who care about these things than you, and your personal boundary will not be the walls of your faculty, your classmates or the streets of your city.
- not going to write history, but you will participate. Birth is as if one had told the press that he preferred to continue copying books by hand, because only that way books were made.
- You're going to adapt to the way we work and not the future but the present.
And the last point, remember what we said Tischler
the ideal profile of the digital journalist
The report highlights the need to combine traditional journalism training-precision rigor, etc .- and technical competence sufficient to produce new forms of "thinking" the news online. A good way to acquire these skills and gain experience, as described in this study is that journalism students publish on the Internet while developing cycle training. Now you, student of communication and / or Journalism What the hell are you waiting for?
addition I attach other articles that discuss the same topic:
for communication and journalism students Why a blog? (Pablo Mancini)
Why should journalists have a blog
(Darío Gallo)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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radial Practice: Tuesday, May 15

Estimates: I invite you to know blog Link: Language Radio and Television

Thursday, May 3, 2007

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Activity Tuesday May 8: Analysis of sports programs

and information on gender radial I leave here a good article on the blog
in the air. What is the best radio news service today? is difficult to answer this question but maybe someone can. The multi Mitre Report First (790) has lost rigor in recent months. We have noticed with
simple listening exercise, today said the mayor of La Matanza,
Alberto Balestrini, had prohibited the creation of a political rally in the central plaza of the district . But Balestrini is no longer the mayor but President of the Chamber of Deputies. Any broadcaster or editor of a news should know. A few days ago gave way to a mobile phone but failed "contact" because the operator has aired a recording that began with the counting of foreign reporter making it clear that it was
a "false alive." The First Report also flooded Mitre and of firsts as
occurred in the past. Still maintains the style of shouting the news. Information Network (910) cares to highlight the titles of "last minute" that are heard several times during the
day. Work with a mobile structure that allows
producers make at least three or four simultaneous coverage. But this is weakened because broadcasters, unlike Mitre or Radio10, they are listening deflated, almost without strength to read the news with some exceptions such as Carlos Fidalgo or Daiana Lombardi. Always News, the informative Radio10 (710) has very good speakers but the news selection here is more arbitrary than the other radios. Titles are privileged referred to cases of uncertainty and coverage of events or announcements. It seems, at times, a government report. The historic Rotary Air Radio Rivadavia (630) maintains its essence. And while a few years ago changed the musical curtain that identified him, voices like that of Jose Miranda Lugano give "entity" to the flashes. In addition, The Rotary is one of the few news services
conserves space for correspondents at home and so can listen to information
San Luis and La Rioja. It is, for us, one of the best

Continental (590)
imported format
English radio. In the "point" and "½" is a reading of titles and a separator
after announcing the time and temperature.
make a good selection of news including topics that are not heard on other radios but
are far from showing that SIC based on a large structure.
Now notice the lack of staff dedicated to information service.

Radio Belgrano (950) met satisfactorily. is supported by the mobile field and provides detailed coverage of agro and markets. Has good speakers. News Radio Del Plata (1030) out to compete with their own information, scoops and a solid team of broadcasters and producers. is one of the few that is attentive to news generated radio programs and raises claims of respondents. This resource easy to solve, I stop being used by other radios.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

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Why all journalism student should have a blog? Invitation

pose understand your reference to the times and occupations of each. But I also understand that the required TP no processing is too long. Just ask them to arm themselves in groups (2 or 3 persons), to divide the task so that each person record a small portion of the program and scan your part recording. Do not even need to meet, with phone calls and email, they can coordinate the TP. Still, I understand that some do not arrive in time. Thus I propose the following:
1) Who can do it, I hope the PT on Tuesday, 24.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

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For both commissions (Morning and Evening):
On Tuesday 24, we will be analyzing and commenting on the sports programs that are currently on the radio in Argentina. And also try to know the style of the journalists and reporters.
1) Arm 4 groups commission
Select a radio (each group should choose a different, with different styles) from the following: Continental ,
Mitre, Belgrano , Radio 10,
Del Plata, National ,

Network, Rivadavia
, string3 , Radio City and
America. They may also include FM.
shall record the transmission of a complete football game . That is, each record must contain the following, the story of the game and subsequent analysis of the commentators. 4)
The other two groups should
record sports programs (eg in competition, Hay Equipment, etc.) that are emitted during the week.

In both cases the idea is no record from start to finish the entire transmission, but choosing to go (you can also record and then edit full) lots of times each team member.
In both cases, the recording must be accompanied by a sheet that contains:
-Day program, schedule and duration of transmission
-Names and functions of all equipment transmission (relator, commentators, broadcasters, mobile or writers in the field of play, etc.).
-A brief analysis of: the type of information provided by the commentators, the style of the lecturer or driver, how interventions are mobile, how to give the passes, what kind of interviews are done, if the program has information on other sports, watch out: if journalists are clear, if they fail the articulation or vocalization, if used crutches, etc. Ie include all information that is important to analyze. Bring

Cassette or CD recordings. In class we will listen and we will analyze the contents.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

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The Gol of Messi's great compared to Maradona, and the story of 86 'by Victor Hugo Morales. "Similar?

Friday, April 20, 2007

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information services on the activity on Tuesday 24. Class

I invite you to know the
Radio Art Experimental Laboratory

(Lear) where teachers, students and enthusiasts looking to make a new radio radio, more where creative and experimenting with new formats.

Among the goals it sets this space include "finding new forms of artistic expression radio and boosting of the radio art" and
as "encourage experimentation, creation, production and dissemination of new genres and formats
radio. "
priority will also" raise awareness among young artists with the knowledge and creative possibilities of radio art

Climb the volume and listen at this link

some of the audio laboratory

! Link:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Give A Message Regarding Baby Born

April 24: Activities

As will change the image of the class blog, I think this model is lighter and can be viewed better. I hope you like it!


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If you are interested in participating in a casting drivers looking TV, here are the data to send the CV.
Take heart!

Drivers for TV

Age: 18 to 23 Profile: students of journalism, sociology , cs. Politics, philosophy, communication, psychology, economics, law and related fields, to participate in the leadership team of a TV program for parents and children on problems of adolescence.
have good speech to express themselves with ease before the cameras, have an engaging personality and a constructive approach to address issues such as addictions, values, night, sex and affection, parent-child relationship, eating disorders, etc. Steps: Send CV with photo and one sheet with their personal views on some of the issues raised in relation to adolescence:

Date deadline: Sunday 15/04 / 07

Monday, April 16, 2007

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advanced the topics discussed in the next two units and equipment that should be ready for each class: Unit 4

(10 April)

-Introduction to The Speech. Expressiveness
(Énfasis. Dynamics. Silence. Tones. Speed. Ritmo). Gender differentiation and formats (Informativos. Advertising. Reading colloquial. Narrative. Narrative sports. Interview. Comments. Opinión. Analysis. Improvisation)

mode and guidelines: (Class workshop) should bring a short story, news developing two radio and get a text two radio ads) Unit 5 (April 17) -Introduction Speaking. Characteristics of good oral communication. Capturing and maintaining attention the hearing. Resources to reduce the initial nervousness. Speech. The structure of the message. Fillers fight. Physical elements of oral communication (Voice, volume, articulation, eye). Gestural elements (hands, body posture).

mode and guidelines: Any concerns do not hesitate to leave a comment or send a mail!

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Change Radio Arte TV CASTING

Source: Profiles, the language of radio. CD Betty Elizalde program on Radio El Mundo This is the testimony of one of the most renowned journalists of our country. Victor Hugo Morales represents an example of a media professional in many ways: human and professional quality, professionalism and ethics among others.
here in less than a minute, refers to the radio and television.

Friday, April 13, 2007

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those who prefer, you can copy here the text of the submission form and send it by mail to the address assigned:

-------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------

South American Institute for Communication Education
Subject: Speech and professional speaking career
: Sports Journalism
Year: 2007 Course: 2nd Year - Commission:
Teacher: Vanina Berghella

Student Name:
Mail: Phone: Occupation: Interest labor (What medium would you like desempeñarte specialty?):

Comments or suggestions on the subject:

Monday, April 2, 2007

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Upcoming classes (10 and 17 April)

I welcome to the Blog of matter Speech and Speaking Professional. This is our forum for communication outside the classroom. We will gradually turning worked here all the material in class, notes, reference material and interest, and why not, our experiences with the subject and our partners. I invite you to participate and be part of this project. Vanina