time ago I saw the news on television and it caught my attention, telling the story of this group of women whose contributions have contributed to that today we are all "typing" on this wonderful blog.
ENIAC is considered the first general purpose electronic computer (PC). The computer could calculate trajectories of projectiles, which was the primary objective to build it. In 1.5 seconds it was possible to calculate the power 5000 of a number up to 5 digits.
The ENIAC could solve 5,000 additions and 300 multiplications in 1 second.
But the most interesting of all is that, although they were engineers ENIAC, Mauchly and Eckert, who passed into history, there were six women who took care of programming the ENIAC, whose history has been silenced over the years and recovered in recent decades. Then classified as "sub-professionals", possibly due to gender or to reduce labor costs, this team of programmers working stood out as math and logic programming and inventive work as the volunteer. Betty Snyder Holberton , Jean Jennings Bartik , Kathleen McNulty Mauchly Antonelli, Marlyn Wescoff Meltzer , Ruth Lichterman Teitelbaum and Frances Bilas Spence hardly appear in the books of history of computing, but spent long hours working with the machine used primarily for ballistic trajectory calculations and differential equations and contributed the development of computer programming. When the ENIAC went on to become a legendary machine, its engineers were famous, while never gave any credit to these six women who took charge of programming.
Many photographic records of the time show the ENIAC women standing in front of her. Until the 80's, is even said that they were just models posing with the machine ("Refrigerator ladies"). However, these women laid the groundwork for programming was simple and accessible to all, created the first set of routines, the first applications of software and first class in programming. His work changed dramatically the development of programming between the decades of 40 and 50. (Source: wikipedia )
Pilar Alvarez works at home.
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